Are Big and Bright…

Saturday was both relaxing and busy. We met Tyler’s parents and many of their friends to help pack Christmas Dinners for the Seminary here in Dallas. We had the opportunity to talk and pray with many students. It was so humbling to meet people not much older than me completely dedicating their lives to God and learning how to better serve him. So even though it was cold and early I am grateful for that chance.
Next we went to the Sixth Floor Depository. It’s best known as the vantage point where Lee Harvey Oswald shot John F. Kennedy. My dad always had the History Channel on so I have heard conspiracy theories and analysis of The Grassy Knoll for years but to be there and to see how left alone area has been while Dallas explodes around it is almost erie.
The X is where the Fatal shot hit and the Grassy Knoll in the background
On the far right the second window from the top is where Oswald sat. They have boxes set up around the spot to recreate how he had it arranged.

A quick lunch at Chipotle and Tyler got to do some creative photography. Dating some who appreciates photos makes me feel like less of nerd taking pictures at random places.

The Original Dallas County Post Office
Next was the Dallas World Aquarium. It was more like a mini zoo complete with monkeys, spiders, and the usual sea life.

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