…Deep in the Heart of Texas

The number 1 thing I wanted this year was pictures of Tyler and I. Long distance results in few pictures of us together. This is especially sad since I like pictures so much. Tyler came through big time and even brought second big Christmas wish, cowgirl boots. I have never had boots and these are amazing.
He brought on his friend Molly who is another aspiring photographer. She is adorable and could get people to pose for her simply with her people skills but she is also extremely talented and I am so please with the pictures she gave us.
For our location we went to a small white church that built in 1852 and has been restored. I thought it was adorable.

  1. Flandy says:

    I love love love love love love love love love these pictures! Brought tears to my eyes! Love them!

  2. hannah says:

    ahhhhhhhhhhh so cute. and i love the boots! tyler did a great job! and i like your hair! and you just look adorable in general

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