I have two videos to share one is so sweet you may cry and the other so funny you may cry. You pick what you are in the mood for. Or if you are bored, watch both
This proposal was shown to me by Grant and Micah. With Grant telling me after seeing it he wanted “a do-over.” It is a positively precious and I love that song anyway.
Reba is one of my favorite shows of all time. I know a lot of people think it is lame but I can’t stop laughing every time I see this clip.
In high school a friend of mine from India’s mom ALWAYS fed us when we went to her house. So naturally I loved being there. I don’t remember a lot of the names of the food so it’s hard for me to find it again (also it was mostly homemade). I do remember Chai Tea and it’s one of my favorite drinks. Mrs. Leah found this concentrate the other day at Costco and I’m newly addicted to it. Tyler thinks it is the most repulsive stuff ever.

And something from Pinterest that made me laugh. Largely because I can relate to it.

Lastly a shot from our walk the other day that I forgot
Tell me what you think