Gifts for the Photo Lovers

Most people treasure their photo memories but your camera and computer is not the place to leave them. Here are some ideas of what to get friends and family who love pictures and what more ways to take them or things to do with them. I tried to place in ascending order of price.

iPhone Camera Lens If you just don’t see yourself wanting to lug around a DSLR but want more options with your iPhone look into lens attachments like these. There are plenty of different brands and kinds to fit your needs.

-Photobooks  are a great option because they are so versatile and easy to make. Many companies have “automatic” options that build them for you.

Photo Calendar there aren’t as popular as they were in the past but they need to make a comeback because they are practical and personal.

Polaroid 300 Instant Camera  It’s little and gives cute personal photos. This would be ideal for both vacations for instant souvenirs and at home for birthday parties and other fun events. Fuji also a similar project

-External Hard Drive because friends don’t let friends not back up their pictures.

-Photo Session get your loved ones together and have someone take pictures. It can be best friends, other halves, or family. Take pictures together often. Since paying a pro can get expensive multiple times a year hire them for big events and for little things find someone who is looking for practice. A pro can’t work for free but a newbie needs the experience. Give both what they need and the world will be a better place.




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