Tyler’s Picture. Also this is the orchid he bought me the other day, it’s blooming like crazy
I think everyone I speak lately to is completely swamped. It’s understandable. If you look at my Pinterest, you might think I am all about DIY fall crafts. Time has been my enemy when I comes to decorating and our house has none. On one hand this makes me sad but on the other, all my free time has been spent going on walks and cooking with the Texan which I know is the best use of this time especially in the first year of our marriage. I know having time that can be deemed as “free,” is can be very tricky. Spending time doing something you enjoy can sometimes leave you feeling like you’ve just made things worse for your To-Do list tomorrow.
By nature I am not organized or “together.” I wish I could keep up with, much less finish a to-do list. If you need examples ask my husband, I know he would love to share…
But life started to happen quickly: I began a school program I actually cared about going to and got engaged within a few months of each other so I decided to stop saying “Well, it’s just how I am,” and started working towards improving on one of my worst habits.
I am by no means “fixed,” I still make mistakes and forget promises but I am improving and trying and that is enough for me. I’ve broken down what I did into a few different steps to A) remind me that it’s possible and B) maybe help someone who is organizationaly stunted like me.
- First, I had to come to a point where I really wanted to change. I was tired of forgetting this, letting people down, and apologizing for things I should have gotten done. I wanted to change.
- Bought a planner. Specifically this planner. This was my biggest help, especially since I got engaged around the time I was trying to get organized. Sure, I had gotten a new planner a the beginning of every fall semester from my schools but those never stuck with me very long. I did some research and found a company called momAgenda. It is popular among teachers and moms. That sold me. If it can keep some of the busiest types of people I know organized, it could work for me. If you don’t have kids, don’t be put off by the name because their myAgenda line will be perfect for you. My favorite part is in the weekly calendar portion there are four sections that can personalize to your activities. I divide mine into “Homework”, “Blog”, and “To Do” (this one usually has to do with making dinner or cleaning but I leave it broad). These blocks make all the difference for me. My problem this year is just deciding between the gold and silver…
The month before our wedding… Too many appointments and meetings. Not doing that again.
More typical to what I am actually up too lately. Pretty boring which is lovely.
- Pictures. A big part of being organized for me keeping my pictures in order. The problem with the age we are living in is all our pictures are taken and stored digitally, this is a horrible habit. Many professional photographers offer prints as a part of their packages. Personally I would go so far to say that if your photographer can’t do professional printing at all you should reevalluate using them. I also highly reconmend getting your personal snapshots printed as well because these are usually some of your most special moments and you wouldn’t want to lose them. Personally, I use Costco’s MyPublisher software to make photo books with my cell phone and more candid photos. To keep from getting overwhelmed with making a book after every vacation or season, my books span an entire year. This way if I get behind catching up isn’t overwhelming or rushed. Every month or I so I just add a few more. This year I believe will be my forth book and I love being able to look through them and show them off. And people appreciate not having to look at the tiny phone screen when you’re showing them your vacation photos.
- Take up a hobby. This might sound crazy and counter productive. One of my biggest problems was that if I sat down to “rest” I ended napping or just watching TV for too long then regretting it when I still had things left to at the end of the day. Find something small that you can do in “down time,” that will allow you to feel productive and even relax while avoiding a rut of laziness and without draining you. For me I find that calligraphy, hand lettering, and doodling is the best. Try knitting, painting, or even pick up a pack of stationary from Target and write a note to a friend or family. You can brighten someone’s day and feel like you accomplished something.
- Break up your task into catagories, then alternate the categories. I keep my categories broad but they encompass what most of my time is spent doing “House” (cleaning and cooking same as with my planner) and “Computer” (editing, designing, etc.). This method keeps me moving and interested, also it helps prevent me from falling into the black hole of a “Facebook Break.”
Bonus Tips
- Communicate your daily activities with your significant other, if you have one. Saying what I have to do out loud helps me process/remember to do it. And since the Texan is an engineer, he usually has good advice on doing it more efficiently.
- Double recipes when cooking. This season is perfect for double of soups and stews and storing for later. There are plenty of days when there is just too much going on to make a full dinner and leftovers become my best friend.
That’s what I do, does anyone have more advice? I am a working progress.
Tell me what you think