Night and Day…

…literally perfectly describes mine and Tyler’s photography styles.  I love that we have this shared interest but also that we don’t completely overlap. He likes to photograph object, landscapes, skies… basically anything he doesn’t have to talk to. Talking to my subjects (people not objects, I am not crazy) is half the fun for me.

We both got to shoot this past weekend and it perfectly shows how different we are.

From Kaili’s shoot, incase you didn’t notice Kaili had legs that would make Carrie Underwood jealous, she is active in Crossfit. We were discussing the next pose and had decided to have John Micheal pick her and I jokingly asked if she could pick him up. I learned that you don’t ask Crossfit girl to pick something up unless you want her to do it, even if she is in heels.

Tyler loves to photograph at night. The neat part of it how it the smallest amount of light shows up even where we couldn’t fully see if at the time.

This photo was taken well after 9 and close to 10 o’clock. The two minute expose allowed the stars to begin streaking and  lots of light to come in.

This is favorite of his recent photos. Sadly in this size you can’t see it’s full glory. There are hundreds of tiny stars and it’s mesmerizing. 


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