Perfectly Imperfect

Warning this post probably has too many pictures of Tyler but I just can’t pick between them all. I love having being in a same-city relationship and I have been taking advantage of the chance to finally have daily memories with him.
As usual I am my own worst critic when it comes to my photos but I am learning to accept the flaws and appreciate the moment.
Example A: Tyler and I have been spending a lot of time with his niece and nephew. Typically we are running around too much to take pictures but this one I couldn’t miss. Sadly, I hate the lighting in this picture. Outside was gloomy and inside was dim too. Thanks to my new 85 mm these low lighting situations can sill be saved.
Even though the light makes me cringe I can’t delete it because it reminds so much of this snapshot of Millie from just under a year ago and the difference in her height and hair is adorable.
For his birthday I got Tyler an RC plane. Since it wasn’t one of our usual activities I took my camera.
This one was was massively overexposed but thanks to my trusty Elements I was able to save it. Now I am quite crazy about it. I took another with the correct exposure and it just didn’t have the same effect.

And just because I like his thinking face 🙂

And just because I feel bad for always forcing Tyler to be in front of the camera here is an embarrassing shot he got of me. Side note the only reason I put in black and white is I don’t want you to see my color choices.


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