
The past few weeks have been extremely busy but going back through my pictures there have been some awesome moments already come and gone this summer. 

Kayla’s graduation. So proud of the little Lyle and glad she is finally in college with us

I have had tons of pictures to edit lately but finding adorable shots like this make it totally worth it.
Filled up water balloons for middle schoolers. Will def be further explaining this in a later post.
Best Friend was in Africa but still got a text 🙂

Didn’t see Tyler on my birthday but hung out with his niece, pretty good compromise
Got Kindle from Tyler. I absolutely love it and the free books available are quite cool.
Love it when she is home! And when her neighbor wants us to play with their puppies

VBS week means tons of fun stuff is around the church… like tents
I love my Lion from Africa. He is so cool.

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