PhotoDump {SpringBreak Edition; Volume 1}

I am on Spring Break and so far it has been it’s exhausting and fantastic. I have never been the type to actually do fun things during Spring Break, so this has been a change for the better.

On Saturday we had the The Color Run.

Early morning but he was a trooper.

 Some preColor pictures. I really liked these headbands.

Found Stephen…
Someone who shall remain nameless HAD to take a bathroom break about 200 yards into the race… So we took pictures without her.

I kept my phone in a plastic baggie, it made it sort of haze on the pictures. Maybe it looks intentional.

Tyler really excited to turn pink

The color tastes awful… Stephen ate it anyway
The best running/walking buddies 

One of my fav pics ever 🙂

Chelsea birthday was actually today but we celebrated early. Somehow I am not in procession of any of Chelsea and I actually together.

Man Picture…

Caroline, Katie, and I went to Tybee Island. It was gorgeous and the weather was absolutely perfect. We fried but I loved it and the smell of suncreen set my longing for summer at full speed.

Tomorrow I am heading to Dnow in Sandersville. I am pumped for the last few days of break but seriously sad break will end.
Finally, here is Tyler’s current favorite song

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