Weeknight Meals

Some weeks, I have meal planning down to science.

We will eat dinner at home 5-6 nights a week, Texan will take a salad every day for lunch, I will go to the grocery store on Thursday morning, and using coupons buy exactly the right amount for the following week.

Then some weeks… I accidentally let over 30 dollars worth of meat go bad. Then  we eat have eat out every night because I don’t even have time to go the store. I absolutely hate it. But that is life and we can’t let these things get us down for too long (I did actually cry about the meat but let’s blame that on I had huge project due and rain kept ruining photoshoot plans).

So, I am working to have more dinners than can be made quickly and with less prep. Our rental doesn’t have a big freezer so I can only keep so much meat on hand.

For the nights when nothing goes right but we want to eat at the house I came up with this “recipe.” It tastes good. Not the most delicious thing I have ever made and certainly not the healthiest, but it’s a meal!


  • 2 Tb Olive Oil
  • Turkey Sausage (We always some in the freezer because it’s small and easy to defrost)
  • Macaroni and cheese (We like white cheddar for this meal but you could use any)
  • Bag of frozen Broccoli (obviously you can use fresh but when we make this during desperate times when I haven’t been to the grocery store in a few days… or weeks)

Slice the turkey sausage to half inch pieces. Sauté the turkey sausage in a large pot with the olive oil until the round edges puff out. Move sausage to a paper towel covered plate.

Fill pot with water and cook macaroni according to box.

At this point you could either put the frozen broccoli in with the macaroni and cook that way to keep this a one pot meal or steam it in a separate pot to eat on the side.

Drain the noodles and broccoli. Add cheese according the instructions then add turkey sausage back in.

Enjoy your meal and the people you share it with 🙂

*Sidenote, I wrote this blog before my dad went to the hospital for the last time. So long story short, I thought I was busy at the time. Turns out that was just the tip of the iceberg.


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